E2 28 Day Challenge Day 20

Monday, my first day in a week with no travel back to work. A familiar routine sets in; breakfast in the car while I drive Ella to daycare, a lunch sack full of food stuffs I might or might not get to. If feels good to be in one place for a bit.

After 20 days of eating vegan and avoiding highly processed foods, sans for a couple dishes here and there, I’m feeling pretty spry. Maybe it is because I’m not water logging myself with bourbon nightly, or choosing a breakfast of vegetables over pastries. Yes, there have been some unpleasant side effects of the copious amounts of beans I’m consuming, I’d done worse.

I’ve measured my waist and there is no real difference, still at 31, 30.5 if I suck in. While I’d be fibbing if I told you I haven’t fantasized about what I’d like to sink my teeth into post 28 day challenge, and I’m not particularly pleased I haven’t been able to completely shun oil from my diet, it is gratifying to just a tad bit healthier.

We’ll find out too, as I have a biometric screening scheduled for next Monday. At 7:55AM we’ll see just how low my blood pressure is, my BMI, and once the lab work comes back, just where that cholesterol is hovering.


Roasted Broccoli Salad

Breakfast: steamed kale with miso roasted veggies and umeboshi beets.
Lunch: Curried Apple and Squash Soup, I packed a salad, but never got around to eating it.
Snacks: almonds, dried mango and a few handfuls of chocolate covered almonds
Dinner: Salad with roasted broccoli, sliced radishes, olives and avocado
Dessert, 1/6th Hail Merry Chocolate Tart.
Drinks: none

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