E2 28 Day Challenge Day 21 & 22

It is not my intention to go two days without posting, in fact, I was sure the first time it happened, it wouldn’t happen again. Except that it did, and now it has happened once more. After a long day at work followed by a Blazer game, I was in no mood to sit-down and get my thoughts down in type. So my alarm is set for early tomorrow. I’ll wake at 5:30, brew a cup of coffee and sit down to tell you about today.

Yesterday, I had a frank conversation at work with one of my Healthy Cooking Coaches, lamenting to her my disappointment at not finding the motivation to completely cut out the oil. “It’s hard,” she reassured me, “when you live this lifestyle 90% of the time, it doesn’t seem that important to hit every pillar (no meat, no dairy, no oil, no refined grains/sugars) 100%.” She summed up my thoughts exactly, but it didn’t take the guilt away. “Why couldn’t I just suck it up and go at it 100%.” The obsessiveness and shame is getting a little tired, I certainly don’t need any neurotic restrictions or guilt around food and eating. No one does.

It has been a busy busy few weeks, and this week in particular I’ve noticed some eating clearly related to stress: more wine, chocolate almonds, pop corn, snacking, caving into desire when dinning out with friends and not sitting down to meals (looking at you lunch). I’m thankful for roasting off a few batches of veggies and preparing a soup in advance so there are shortcuts to take when I’m running late. Real talk: Grumpy, frustrated, disappointed.


Breakfast: Miso roasted root vegetables, steamed kale and roasted beets, coffee
Lunch: Cup of squash soup, coffee
Snacks: dried mango, chocolate covered almonds. Bag of microwave popcorn split with Ella, topped with bragg’s amino acids and brewer’s yeast.

squash and corn soup Dinner: Leftover curried squash and apple soup with fire roasted corn and roasted cauliflower and a dab of garlic sauce (oil). 1/2 slice of rosemary sourdough (refined grains) topped with earth balance soy margarine (oil!!!).
Drinks: 1 glass white wine

Breakfast: Miso roasted root vegetables and Kale, coffee
Lunch: Coconut Curry Noodles and okonomiyaki tots from boxer ramen

curry ramen
Dinner: more steamed Kale and the last of the miso roasted root veggies, slice of vegan pizza (totally off limits) at the game, 1/2 a sliced cucumber and 2 tablespoons hummus.
Drinks: Two glasses white wine

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