28 Day Challenge Day 10: Crankypants

This will be my shortest post in the series as I feeling tired and a bit grumpy after a full day stuck in the house. I’ve hit the J curve of my 28 Day challenge, some of the initial steam starting to slow. I had hoped to get up early this morning and write with a cup of coffee while the snow was falling, that didn’t happen.

Back tomorrow. xo


Breakfast: Roasted sweet potatoes, Kale with garlic tahini, garbanzo beans off the hot and salad bar at work. Coffee

First morning snack: one small square whole wheat, sugar free blueberry cobbler.

Second morning snack: Health Starts Here tomato bisque with a slice of Health Starts Here multi-grain bread.

Lunch: I knew lunch was going to go south when I gave into temptation and popped one of Gruner‘s beet pickled deviled egg into my mouth.  Spying a kale salad I order it sans chicken, but was sorely disappointed when I identified the all too familiar creamy sharp taste of cheese upon first bite. Unlike the snowfall of parmesan I have on dishes here and there, this was full on, grated cheese mixed with shredded kale and kohlrabi. Instead of sending the dish back, I ate, anticipating the pain that would eventually come.

Gruner's Kale Sal


Afternoon Snack: Petunia’s peanut butter chocolate crispy treat, split with Ella

Polenta with Veggies

Dinner: Polenta with roasted carrots and broccoli with roasted chick peas all in a dijon vinaigrette. Not a meal I had planed, but born out of the need to eat, and provisions lingering in the fridge and pantry.

Drinking: none! Feeling guilty about having had two drinks the night before, I went without.

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